Trust me; being a financial dolt is not a good thing. It's a good thing that Linda has always done the finances in our home. She has said it more than once: If I were in charge of the finances, we'd be flat broke. Instead, she squirrels money away at every opportunity, which is why in retirement, we are not be living hand to mouth, but are able to bless others.
Last night about 12:30, we received a phone call from daughter in law Deb, telling us that Nate had taken their daughter Alex to the emergency room. A couple days ago, she had a sudden reaction to something; we didn't know what. All we know is she had swelling all over her body, somewhat like severe reaction to bug bites, only she hadn't been bitten by anything. She had already made one visit to the Urgent Care facility, where they treated and released her. Now, we got this late night call. It was dark, I was groggy, and when I placed the phone back on the nightstand, it landed in my cup of tea; end of phone; end of story. Well, actually, the beginning of the story.
This morning, I made an unplanned trip to the phone store. I'm pretty cheap when it comes to stuff like that. My old phone has been on life support for months now. I have trouble getting the charger to stay in place; sometimes it charges, sometimes it doesn't. But it still worked, so I was in no hurry to spend the scratch to upgrade. I'd talked with them before, but always walked away. Today, I was phoneless, calendarless, contact-listless. So here I am, in the store, trying to sort through the myriad of plans available. On the advice of the salesperson, I settled on a plan I understood to be a 24 month contract that was cheaper than buying the phone outright. I signed on the electronic dotted line, and walked out of the store with a new phone.
Tonight, Linda asked me why I had spent so much money on a phone, when I had told her before I left that I wouldn't spend that much money on a phone. The amount on the receipt wasn't what I had thought it was; of course, I had never even looked at the receipt. So, I have a nice phone, but have to go back to sort out the plan that turns out not to be what I had expected. I guess I need to take Linda with me whenever I make a purchase much larger than a candy bar. Tonight, I am grateful that she handles our finances and still loves me even when my financial sense makes no sense whatsoever.
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