Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Daily Light

 November 2, 2021

As a recovering melancholic, I need every bit of encouragement I can find to stay upbeat. My daily regimen of gratitude literally changed my life eight years ago, but pivotal events need daily feeding if they are to maintain vitality. I still consult my gratitude calendar, and have doubled down on my intake of the news, most of which is designed to foment fear and anger. I need neither in my life, so I only read the minimum I need to stay current. Some may think this irresponsible, but my first responsibility is to my own mental and spiritual health, neither of which is helped by the media.

From the time we were in college, Linda and I have used a little devotional entitled “Daily Light.” It’s a compilation of various Bible texts arranged by theme for each day. We’ve used it particularly when we’ve been apart for any length of time, like when I’ve been in Cuba. I had gotten out of the habit of reading it daily, and decided to once again begin my day with it. Today’s reading took me back to my high school days.

As a newborn Christian, I was encouraged to memorize Scripture, which I faithfully did. I’m glad I did so back then, because it is increasingly difficult for me to do it now. Most of what I rely on in my walk with Christ harkens back to those early days and the faithful instruction I received from Sunday School teachers, Vacation Bible School staff, and from Fred Thomas and Sterling Huston at Rochester Youth For Christ. These people poured into me their very souls, and gave me a foundation that has remained rock solid for over sixty years. 

I memorized a fair amount of Scripture back then, but the one text I was never able to master popped up in this morning’s reading. I can remember the preceding and following verses, but this one has always eluded me: 

““Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” —Philippians 4:8 

It’s not particularly difficult, but I was never able to remember all the “whatsoevers” in the right order. Nevertheless, this verse has been like the North Star for me, and this morning was another reminder from the Holy Spirit to guard my mind and guide it towards that which is good in this life. It’s not really that hard to do, but with all the negativity that gets thrown around, it is also easy to forget. Tonight, I am thankful to have read this once more this morning. It anchored my soul so my spirit could be free.

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