Thursday, November 3, 2016


November 3, 2016 Today's Scripture lesson included these words from Jesus: "You refuse to come to me that you may have life." (John 5:40). With these words, Jesus pinpoints the issue we face. We have choices in life, and we choose to accept or refuse Jesus' offer of life. We cannot imagine that we would refuse Jesus; others may, but surely not us! And yet these words stand. We make choices every day either to come to Jesus or to move away from him. We move towards him in worship and obedience; we move away when we yield to temptation, neglect prayer and the Word. At the moment, we don't see our actions and thoughts as receiving or refusing him, but that's what happens. And the end result is that we are daily, even moment by moment, choosing life or death. Tonight, I'm grateful that we have the choice. If it is possible to refuse him, it is also possible to receive him. We are not condemned to a destiny beyond our control. For the choice and the result I am thankful, as well as for the warning Jesus gives us here.

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