Tuesday, December 12, 2023


 December 12, 2023

All I wanted was the provenance of the bass I bought from him, but so much more came my way. A month or so ago, I finally put up the money for the 1952 Epiphone upright bass. The gentleman from whom I bought it had graciously allowed me to take it home for a trial run before purchasing. It all started last summer when I stopped in to a musician’s swap meet on my way home from a preaching engagement in PA. An old Kay bass that lay on a table caught my eye, and when I plucked the strings, its deep rumble caught my heart.

But when I actually went to buy it, the neck had separated from the body. The old gentleman who owned it apologized, but then said, “I have something you might want to see.” It was this beautiful Epiphone. I took the Kay to the repair shop, and when I got it back, it sounded great, but still clearly had some miles on it. The Epiphone is almost pristine, and I am only the third owner. So yesterday I called for information on the original owner. My friend wasn’t home, but this afternoon he called back.

His voice broke when I asked him how he was doing. “Not so well,” he replied. His wife has been slowly descending into dementia, and it has hit with a vengeance in the few weeks since I saw them last. “Please pray for us,” he pleaded. I do, and tomorrow I think I’ll take a drive down to see them and pray with them face to face.

This morning I woke at about 3:00 am and had a hard time getting back to sleep. So I prayed, and told the Lord I merely wanted to know him and serve him better. I had no idea that before the day was out he would give me the opportunity to experience and express his care for his people in such a manner as I experienced. I learned something: When you really desire to know him better and invite him to reveal a bit more of himself to you, God has a way of answering those prayers in ways you might not expect. So I invite you to pray for my friend, and to give God an open door into your life. He is waiting to walk though that door to bless you and through you, those you will meet today.

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