Friday, December 29, 2023


 December 29, 2023

It’s an image burned into my brain; Linda, sitting up in bed, going through the 4 X 6 cards that she keeps on her bedside stand. I couldn’t begin to count the number of times I’ve seen that same scenario. On each of those cards is someone’s name, with specific concerns for which she is praying. Our children, grandchildren, friends, women from her Bible study group, others who are experiencing trauma, loss, illness, emotional, financial, relational problems. She prays for each one nightly. 

Many of those cards have Scripture verses she is praying for that particular person. Over and over, she reads and prays…in detail. Often she has mentioned that she feels like she’s merely presenting a laundry list of requests to God, but she never quits. 

I have learned much from her praying discipline, and have much yet to learn. I am not nearly as organized in my prayers as she is. My prayers are often like my wood splitting. If I am splitting wood with an axe, my second swing of the axe rarely lands in the same spot as the first. To the left or to the right, eventually the job gets done, but I’ve wasted a lot of energy in wild swings and missed targets. Linda is like an experienced woodsman—she hits the same spot over and over till she reaches her goal. 

I’m glad that when Linda prays, my name is on one of her prayer cards, because I know she’ll hit the mark, and this tough and gnarly soul will eventually pop open so God’s grace can enter in.

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