Monday, March 4, 2019

In Deep

March 4, 2019

“Could you see the absolute panic on my face?” My daughter thought I was kidding, but after full rehearsal with the pit band and cast, I know I’m in so far over my head that when I look up I can’t even see the surface of the water. A couple of the numbers I never did figure out where we were in the song, and on one, I missed the fact that we were supposed to do it in an alternate key. No wonder it didn’t sound right! 

If there is any salvation in this, it’s that I’m surrounded by people who actually know what they’re doing. I’ve got a very talented drummer on one side of me, and an equally amazing pianist on the other. I was too busy sweating my way through the music to notice if they were looking askance at me, wondering how I managed to worm my way into the band. If they only knew...

As in any team endeavor, being surrounded by people better than you can be either depressing or energizing. I suppose I could get depressed by my lack of ability, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Instead, I am encouraged. Just being in their company listening to what they can do makes me want to improve. And If I listen carefully enough, I get to pick up on the rhythms and syncopation that are otherwise a mystery to me. I’m being stretched so much that I feel like Gumby, but it’s good. When the show is over, I think I’ll be a better musician. That’s not necessarily saying much, but better is still good.

In life, we usually prefer to coast, to sail the calm and sunny seas that present no danger or challenge. When storms come our way, we often complain and question why we must suffer. And of course, God rarely tells us. But if instead of losing faith, we let the difficulties stretch us, our faith grows stronger, and we become better people. If I allow it, the lessons I learn musically can apply to life. So tonight, I am thankful for music and people...and circumstances that stretch me. Maybe by the time this musical is done I’ll be a better person as well as a better musician.

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