Tuesday, September 25, 2018


September 25, 2018

Gratitude doesn’t come naturally to me. It took me too many years to realize its importance, and even more to fully engage it as a spiritual discipline. Even now, five years into a daily routine of finding and writing about something for which to give thanks, it is easier to find fault than to be thankful. And if with a deliberate and determined commitment to gratitude it is still easier to gripe and grouch about things, how much harder is it for anyone not committed to such a discipline? 

As we sat at dinner this evening, Linda and I were talking about a couple situations that concern us, but about which there is little we can do. The line between genuine concern and illegitimate griping is very fine, and is revealed by our attitude we harbor towards the situation. If we only talk to each other and fail to bring the situation before the Lord, it’s a pretty good indicator that the conversation has gone beyond concern and into criticism. It happens almost before we know it, and robs us of our joy. 

I am thankful tonight that the decision I made five years ago makes me aware of my tendency towards complaining, so I was able to recognize what was happening and make the choice to change my focus. And I am thankful for the Word of God that convicted me of my ingratitude and reminded me to pray for these situations instead of griping about or fretting over them. 

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