Wednesday, July 22, 2015


It's not deep theological reflection or major life events. Tonight I'm thankful for protection. With the care of the doctors and the effectiveness of antibiotics to which she is not allergic, our granddaughter Alex in Uganda is now recovering from the foot infection that for a week had been getting worse and making her sicker and sicker. The guys working on our roof haven't fallen off or incurred any injuries from their power tools. Twenty-two teenagers and ten adults from Park church are safely settled in their campsites at Kingdom Bound, and although the third tree I cut down today got hung up in the branches of its neighbor, I was able to pull it down with a rope and without incident. None of this seems like much until the protection is removed and someone is hurt. God's people are not promised exemption from the ills and problems of life, so I am grateful for these times when we are given the privilege of living in peace and safety, and trust for the grace we will need for those times when we are led down paths into darkness and difficulty.

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