Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hard Wisdom

 July 19, 2015

"Who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" It's an age-old question penned and answered by David in the fifteenth psalm. After listing some of the traits that characterize such a person, he adds this one: "the one who swears to his own hurt, and changes not." This verse has come to mind quite a few times in the last couple days. Over a year ago, I did a favor for a friend who promised to take care of a small matter for me in return; a promise that in the intervening year appears to have been forgotten. After the time frame for the promised return favor had passed, I put it out of mind, remembering another Scripture that admonishes us to do our good deeds without thought of return. Every so often however, this little incident pops up its head as if to deliberately irritate me. In the past couple days, a series of circumstances has arisen that once more brought the whole matter back to mind. I've been toying with the idea of revisiting the matter with my friend, but decided to talk with Linda first. She reminded me of a little saying she used to repeat to me years ago whenever I was waffling back and forth with making a decision. I probably won't get the quote exactly right, but it goes something like this: "When you've made a decision, let it go; the exact moment of certainty never comes." 

It was a good reminder that took me back to this Scripture and to the counsel my mother used to give me: "When you make a commitment, stick to it even if something better comes along." 

I pity people who have to make up their ethical standards on the fly, trying to figure out all on their own the difference between right and wrong, wise and unwise. The matter will rest, and having made this decision, so will I. I am grateful tonight for the wisdom of Scripture, my mother, and my wife, all lining up to point me like an arrow in the right direction. Makes me wonder if that fifteenth Psalm weren't ghost-written for David by his mother.

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