Sunday, September 27, 2020

 September 27, 2020

Wayne and I had flown to Portland, Oregon to learn about lay led small group ministry, but flew home with so much more. Dale Galloway was the pastor who had developed a robust lay pastor ministry where small group leaders actually functioned as pastors to those in their group. We adapted his model and the ministry here began to take wing. 

Unexpected in all our learning that week in 1993 was the impact of contemporary worship. Space limitations had forced us into running two services, but they were identical; opening prayer, three hymns spaced out between announcements, pastoral prayer, and the sermon. Everything was done by the book, with organ and choir, replete with robes. The 8:30 service was attended by a handful of people, just enough refugees from 11:00 to ease the pressure on that hour. Our technology wasn’t sophisticated; an overhead projector with someone placing the clear plastic sheets with lyrics to praise choruses popular at the time. With Wayne on electric bass and me on guitar, we jumped in both feet, not realizing we would instantly be in over our heads.

Amazingly, that service took off, and within a year, it was 11:00 that was struggling, and not very happy about it. We didn’t give up, and bit by bit, we added others to the lineup; Pete on drums, Jeff on lead guitar, and a fledgling Nate Bailey, tentatively strumming guitar in the background. Did I mention we didn’t give up?

Fast forward twenty five years. As worship leader, Nate usually is at the center mic, acoustic guitar in hand, leading the congregation with utter abandon. We have two worship teams in Sinclairville and one in Cassadaga, and a host of young people coming through the ranks in our School of the Arts. And today Todd, who usually plays lead guitar, was worship leader, with Jess on keyboards, Leslie on bass, Joel on drums and Bri on vocals. Nate was in the background playing slide guitar, adding riffs, enhancing the music. It was absolutely glorious (and can be heard on YouTube and Facebook)! That cross-country flight those years ago was a seed planted that grew and flourished, and has come back to bless me and others time and time again. God is very good!


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