Friday, September 4, 2020

A Good Heritage

 September 4, 2020

Our daughter Jessie is the executive director of Options Care Center, the local pro-life pregnancy center. This year, due to COVID, their annual Walk for Life is online and digital, which means that people can sign up online to support the walk, and those participating will walk individually or perhaps as family groups, taking photos and submitting their tally of miles and dollars raised. 

Yesterday, she announced that at the Center’s last board meeting, the president of the board challenged her to a fundraising contest—Board vs. Director and volunteers. The gauntlet having been thrown down, Jessie accepted the challenge, and I am signed up as a sub team leader under her. So I am inviting you to join me by giving what you can, either as a fixed sum, or at a per mile rate.

As an incentive, I present my mother. She is a monthly supporter of Options Care Center, and when today we told her about the fundraising challenge, she jumped (well...almost jumped. She’s just shy of 98, and struggles to get out of her chair) at the opportunity to join in. I’ve attached a couple photos and a video of her giving her support to this worthy cause. And I am so thankful tonight to have been raised by a mother who cherishes life and taught my brother, sister, and myself to do the same. There is no substitute for a good heritage. I was given a head start in life that many do not know. Some would politicize this, calling it white privilege. I think of it as God’s grace, a gift I cannot repay, but which I can and do my best to pay forward. 

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