Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sacrificial Hierarchy

 August 29, 2020

In Leviticus 4, God gave Moses the required sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people, who are listed according to a hierarchy of sorts. First was the high priest, then the congregation as a whole, followed by the ruler, and finally the individual Israelite. An interesting feature of these sacrifices is that they are listed in descending order. The more influential the person, the more valuable the sacrifice. Especially interesting to me is the fact that a congregational or corporate sin was considered more serious than that of a ruler, which gives lie to the belief that as the leader goes, so goes the nation. 

Whatever else may be said about it, it seems pretty clear that leadership, especially spiritual leadership carries a weight of responsibility commensurate with the level of leadership, and subsequently, a similar weight of guilt when that responsibility is neglected. It would be easy to paint so many of our political leaders with this brush, as we see them taking credit for successes, but assessing blame elsewhere for their failures, but it is more beneficial for me to examine my own record of leadership. One thing I know for sure: where I have succeeded, it is because I have been surrounded by good and capable people. When I have failed, it was my own heart that led me astray. 

This text challenges me, calls me to repentance, but also holds forth grace. The Sacrifice has been offered in Christ, and it is commensurate with my sin. God forgives, and when he forgives, he also cleanses and confers freedom. Were it not for that hope, I would be in despair.  Instead, I live by faith that is not disappointed, but rather is renewed every day by the Holy Spirit. As I prepare for worship tomorrow, it is with great anticipation because we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, which is the confirmation and assurance that the Sacrifice was accepted and I am forgiven and free.

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