Friday, July 10, 2020

A New Song

July 10, 2020

I don’t sing enough. Psalm 40:3 says, 

“He has put a new song in my mouth
Praise to our God.”

Someone once said that Christianity is the only religion that sets people to singing. I’m not sure that’s entirely true, but from the beginning, singing has been central to the Gospel. The world has plenty of songs, but they lack the fresh newness of praise and worship. We sing a lot in worship, but when by myself, I tend to like quiet solitude. If I have music playing, it’s usually light classical, but I rarely have the truck radio on. In the quiet, I can think and pray. But I suspect I need to sing songs of praise. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written any songs; maybe it’s time.

There is a reason for our singing. First of all, God has given us a new song. It isn’t right to have been given a precious gift and neglect it. Secondly, our songs draw others to God:

“Many will see it and fear, 
and will trust in the LORD.”

When I was growing up, Billy Graham was in his prime, televising his evangelistic crusades from cities all around the world. Music was always a bit part of his meetings. Choirs comprised of hundreds of local Christians, a variety of special artists, and of course, the ever-present Ted Husted on the organ, and George Beverly Shea’s baritone singing “I’d Rather Have Jesus,” or some other Gospel classic. The meetings always closed with an invitation to come down before the platform, accompanied by the strains of “Just As I Am, Without One Plea.” This singular song witnessed countless thousands trusting in the Lord.

There is a third reason for singing. Psalm 100 reads, “Come before His presence with singing.” If for any reason we find it hard to come into the presence of God, singing can be the key that unlocks the door. Instead of focusing on our personal needs and desires, singing praises directs our minds and hearts to God himself, ushering us into his presence as little else can. 

I’m going to incorporate song into my prayer life. Every time I open my Bible, every time I open my mouth in prayer, I want to come into the presence of the Lord. I don’t want to miss out even a single time. So I think I’ll sing!

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