Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fool

April 1, 2019

“Boys! Get up! We overslept and you’re late for school!” They jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, gobbled down their breakfast and were out the door in record time. As they ran up the hill to the bus stop, I leaned out the door. “April Fool!” Nate and Matt were only Third and First graders, but to this day, I don’t think they’ve fully forgiven us. I think it was the following year that I put plastic worms in the bottom of Nathan’s Cheerios so they floated to the surface when he poured milk on them. Come to think of it, I don’t think he eats Cheerios to this day. 

Confession is good for the soul, they say, so I guess this is mine. If our sons display any personality quirks or character flaws, I take full responsibility. But it sure was fun! We laughed a lot back then; all through their school years when they pulled pranks that these days would get a kid in loads of trouble, they regaled us with their stories, and we laughed, even when probably we shouldn’t have. Years later when talking with Matt, Linda asked him what kept him from much of the trouble that some of his friends got into. “I didn’t want to disappoint you and dad,” he replied, adding, “and you laughed at the things we did.” Yes, we did, and that laughter is still with us as we gather for Sunday dinners. The joke is more often on me these days, as something is said followed by my repeating the same topic because I didn’t hear it. I remind them that according to the Bible, it is a sin to put a stumbling stone in front of a blind man, and consequently, there must be some prohibition against whispering in the presence of the deaf. My protestations are all in vain, and I am paying the price for my early fun at their expense. 

So this April Fool’s Day, I am thankful for laughter, even at my expense. Lord knows, I deserve it. Now if I can just think of another good trick to pull on them...

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