Thursday, February 15, 2018

Trashy Love

February 15, 2018

The headlights barely cut through the fog that lay in diaphanous patches across the landscape, slowing the last leg of the drive home almost to a crawl. It had been a long day, beginning with our regular 6:00 am Thursday morning prayer time followed by serving the Wrap kids a pancake breakfast. I was home just long enough to change into dress slacks, shirt and tie prior to the trip to Buffalo and Rochester to attend a wake. 

It was a full thirteen hours later before the familiar twist of the road and crossing the bridge signaled that I was home. As I pulled in, I passed the trash and recyclables sitting at the end of the driveway, so it was only fitting that just before bed, I wiped down the shower. Taking out the trash is not a big deal, but of all the household tasks, it’s the one I hate the most, just as Linda hates having to wipe down the shower after she’s done. I guess everyone’s entitled to their quirks, and these are just two of ours. 

That pile by the driveway was a love note written in trash, just as was my offering to wipe down the shower. When Emily Dickinson penned, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” I’ll bet taking out the trash and wiping down the shower weren’t on her list, but it’s on ours. I don’t think we’ll be writing any poetry about it, even though I am thankful for it.

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