Thursday, December 7, 2017

Guy Prayers

December 7, 2017

Thursday mornings begin earlier than I would like, but when I walk through the front doors to the church into the room where my friends have already begun to gather, I know it has been worth  dragging myself out of bed at 5:25. On my own, I would barely be coherent at 6:00 am, but when Harry leads off with a Psalm and a prayer, I begin to come alive for the day. Of course, the coffee doesn’t hurt, either. 

Years ago, I heard a preacher say that it’s the daily time spent before the Lord in private that gives public prayer its power. He was making the case for pastors maintaining a robust personal prayer life. While there is truth to his statement, I have found that it is the corporate times of prayer that support and enliven my private prayers, not the other way around. My Thursday morning brothers sharpen me, remind me of facets and aspects of prayer that I may have neglected, and by the time we get to the end of the hour, closing in the Lord’s Prayer and a hymn, I am wide awake, ready to face the day and the rest of the week. So, Harry, Joe, Chuck, and Paul, thank you for your faithfulness. You help me be better than I would otherwise be.

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