Saturday, August 12, 2017

Building the Builder

August 12, 2017

Meema/Beepa weekends roll around twice a month, and what weekends they are! Friday night dinner includes High/Low, where we go around the table and tell what was the best experience of the day, and what was the worst. The high is required; the low is optional. Invariably, one or two say that the best part of the day is being together with us. We feel the same way. Last night, the kids were in the backyard playing kickball while I was trying to get the old 8N started. We hadn’t run it in months, and the battery was completely flat. I had it on the charger for about two days, occasionally cranking it over, trying to get it to catch. Earlier in the day, I had gotten it to sputter once or twice, but that was about all I could get the old 6 volt system to do. 

Finally, it coughed to life! I let it warm up for a few minutes before backing it out and giving it a light workout. I had no sooner gotten to the backyard when little Gemma wanted to ride with me; a first for her. Every time I’d tried before, she backed away in fear. But last night she took a new, bold step and joined me at the wheel. Teaching her to steer, seeing the joyful concentration in her eyes, and her plea for “just one more time,” was pure delight. As she dismounted, she asked  if she could have a ride on the motorcycle; another first. “Tomorrow morning,” I reassured her.

She didn’t forget. Before breakfast was even finished, she was asking for her ride. Her sister had a friend over, and before the morning ended, I had given rides to four girls and Ian, who was just watching his little sister in the sidecar when I asked if he wanted to hop on back. I’ve written repeatedly about the kids, which is a bit uncomfortable for me. Every grandparent thinks their grandchildren are the best, but that’s not why I write. We have been blessed beyond imagination, having them nearby. We’re making memories, which at our age, won’t last too long, but hopefully will be recalled fondly long after we’re gone.  

After the kids went home, Linda and I drove down the road to help Matt and Jeanine paint the trim on their house. I’ve been puzzling for a week on how to get at the peak above their entry. Finally, it dawned on me, and my plan worked perfectly. And best of all, no one fell off the roof! 

I’ve been thinking lately of finding meaning and purpose in retirement. It’s different than I had imagined it would be, which is a story in itself, but it’s in the giving that I’m finding satisfaction. But isn’t that what Jesus told us? Those who would save their life do so by giving it away. Others may not have the privilege of having their grandchildren close by, but there are children all around us who need steady adults in their lives. Investing in them will at the same time, build up the builder. It’s a deal hard to beat.

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