Wednesday, December 10, 2014

God's Fingerprints

December 10, 2014

A couple weeks ago, pastor Joe challenged us to pray every day for someone in our lives who needed Christ, and then to go and talk with them about Jesus. His instructions were clear: this was no "invite them to church" business, but instead, "introduce them to Jesus." He's right; church can't save anyone. Only Jesus does that. There are plenty of church people who don't know Jesus.

When it comes to actual evangelism, I'm an underachiever. There are a lot of people for whom I pray, but moving from conversations about Jesus to people actually repenting and confessing faith in him has never been my strong suit. So this was going to be a challenge for me. That's a good thing. I took the slip of paper we were given and immediately three names popped into my head. Another came to me a bit later. So I have four men on my prayer list. I've talked with one of them. Didn't get very far, but the door has been cracked open.

One of these men is my friend. I'll call him Larry, although that's not his real name. He and I go back quite a few years to when we were building the new church. Larry is a roofer, and subcontracted for the church roof. A few years after that, he did our house in Cassadaga. Larry has one of the most generous hearts of anyone I know. He is forever giving money he doesn't have to people he sees as worse off than he. When we talked about my roofing job, I told him I could only afford to do half of it. He would hear nothing of it. He offered to do it on credit, carrying me. I would have nothing of that. Having him bear my financial burden didn't seem right. Larry told me, "God will work something out." He was right. He did the entire job, and we were able to pay him in full.

Larry has great faith, although sometimes his theology is a bit off. And he struggles with alcoholism as a result I believe, of a horribly abusive childhood. When he is working, he is one of the most industrious workers I know, but when he tumbles off the wagon, he falls hard. For a couple years it seemed he was getting things in order. Then about two years ago, his brother committed suicide, and things began to spiral out of control, no matter what any of us tried to do to intervene. Life has been on an almost continual slide since then. He told me once that he didn't understand how anyone could take their own life. "Larry, you're doing the same thing; just slower," I told him. I pray for him continually.

Tonight, he called me. Out of the blue. He's been on my mind, and I've intended to call him, but he beat me to it. Now tell me that's not God at work! Tomorrow, God willing, we'll get together, and once more I'll tell him of Jesus' love for him. I am so thankful to be able to see God's fingerprints all over this. It isn't just me, pressing for my agenda. God is already at work in my old friend. John Wesley called it "prevening grace," grace that goes before us, paving the way for us to come to the Father through faith in Jesus Christ. I am grateful for that grace tonight, and am looking forward to seeing it in the clear light of day and of God, tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Praying with you for your meeting tomorrow. Ephesians 6:18-20 (Except I'm praying also for you)
