Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 November 21, 2023

Saturday when I took Nick to the train show, three different men commented on how nice it was of me to bring and watch over him. It wasn’t hard. Nick is a good friend, is easy to be with and gets so excited about anything trains. It was but a small kindness and easy to do. But those comments reveal how rare in this world is grace and kindness that it should garner such attention. Grace is attractive to most people. Even the smallest demonstration of it stands out like a shining beacon in a world of darkness. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world,” and “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.” Grace is a light that attracts people like moths. 

John Wesley was once asked how he drew such crowds to hear him preach. He replied, “I set myself on fire, and people come to watch me burn.” People don’t understand grace, so it intrigues them. They’ll watch, wondering what it is that makes someone behave that way; what makes him burn. 

What I don’t understand is why it is so easy to give to Nick and so hard for me to give the same to others. I also don’t understand why some so easily get under my skin and Nick doesn’t. Why the difference? I wish I could say differently, but some people just plain irritate me. Sometimes, I’m not very Christian in my thoughts. God still has so much work to do in me that I often wonder if he doesn’t shake his head in amazement that I am so slow and thick. My grace towards Nick was a small thing. God’s grace towards me was huge, costing not a mere afternoon, but the very blood of his Son. I have a long way to go.

“Lord, I don’t know how to change my feelings about some of the grace-deprived people in my life. Do your work in me so I can be the same towards them that I am toward Nick and that you are towards me.

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