Monday, September 25, 2023


 September 25, 2023

There’s something particularly invigorating about flexing one’s muscles in real and purposeful work. I try to work out three or four times each week. Sometimes the workouts last for nearly an hour, but more often they are only about twenty minutes. It’s not ideal, but is better than nothing. I’ve never been athletic, but about twenty-five years ago, God spoke to me: “Your body is my temple, and I don’t like the shape it’s in.” When God speaks to me, he doesn’t beat around the bush. If instead of speaking through the Scriptures, he speaks directly to my heart and mind, he can be pretty blunt. So, I started an exercise regimen that I’ve continued more or less all these years.

I’m 74, and other than some minor issues that often come with aging, I’m pretty healthy. I’m not on any medications other than vitamins, and even those I often forget to take. Other than my bad hearing and less than 20/20 vision, I have no complaints. As I was watching a baseball game with my brother last month, I commented that we could step up to the plate as much as any of the young men who were playing, but it might get a bit dicey when we tried running the bases.

The last four days (minus Sunday), I’ve been cutting up the trees we had taken down along the creek behind our house. Bending over a log with a chain saw makes use of a combination of muscles my exercise regimen hasn’t touched, so by the time I’m done, my back aches and I’m pretty worn out. But though I haven’t given many hours each day, I’ve gotten quite a bit done. I have more firewood than I know what to do with, and I’m not even half done. 

I mention all this to say how grateful I am for the health and strength to tackle such a job. I’m fully aware how blessed I am; every day I see in the obituaries people younger than me, and know of so many who are dealing with chronic health issues the likes of which I cannot imagine. I don’t believe the adage that when you have your health, you have everything. If I had to choose between my health and my faith, I would choose my faith in Christ; his death and resurrection that assures me of the forgiveness of my sins and gives me hope. Nonetheless, I am grateful tonight for the strength to cut wood, and for the warmth it will give us in a couple months.

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