Saturday, August 19, 2023

Inside a Proverb

 August 19, 2023

Generally speaking, when it comes to Bible translations, I prefer the old King James Version, or its modern descendent the New King James. The newer translations however, often reword things in such a way that makes me sit up and listen as it grabs my attention. Such is the case with today’s reading from the Proverbs, a text that deals with generational curses and blessings.

“Stupid children can bring their parents to ruin. A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip. A man can inherit a house and money from his parents, but only the Lord can give him a sensible wife.” —Proverbs 19:13-14 GNT

These words are so much more arresting than the traditional “A foolish son is the ruin of his father, And the contentions of a wife are a continual dripping. Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the Lord.” The meaning is the same, but the impact is different. This traditionalist is leaning towards the contemporary twist.

Linda and I have children who continue to bless, rather than ruin, us. Not only they, but their children also. As I was sitting down to write, our granddaughter Josephine popped in to take a shower. They’ve been without hot water for a few days, so our home has become the campground bathhouse. We had a brief conversation about her first week at college before she was back on the road. 

I can’t say much about a nagging wife. Linda occasionally “reminds me” of things I’ve promised to do, or of unpleasant tasks that though distasteful, still need to be done, but I must confess that those reminders fall far short of “drip, drip, drip.” 

Neither Linda nor I inherited a house from our parents, although we once came close to it. There was some money, but neither of our parents had much of a fortune to leave. I remember my father worrying that he and my mother didn’t have much to leave us by way of inheritance. I was almost angry with him thinking this way. My response was, “You and mom gave us far more than money. You gave us the inheritance of integrity, love, and faith in Christ that’s worth far more than anything else you could have left. You owe us nothing. We owe you!”

These verses speak of children, parents, and spouses; specifically, wives. Again—no dripping here; Linda is God’s second-best gift to me, second only to Jesus Christ. Her faithfulness and patience is amazing, as is her ability to put her own feelings and well-being aside for the good of others. “Always do the right thing” is her mantra, and I have been the recipient of that attitude far more than I deserve. 

I often tell those in my Bible studies to place themselves in the story. “In this parable, which person are you,” I often ask. Tonight I find myself smack in the middle of this proverb, and know God has given me far better than I could ever deserve.

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