Monday, August 7, 2023


 August 7, 2023

I don’t understand how a song from fifty years ago just pops into my head. On my way home from our men’s Bible study tonight, the tune and some of the lyrics suddenly came to me (I remember melodies better than lyrics). So I looked it up (Thank you, internet!), and the memories flooded back. I am fifteen, standing with the congregation in our Sunday evening song service. Ozzie Palmer is at the side of the pulpit, holding the hymnal in one hand, waving his other hand, leading the congregation in song.

“I am so happy in Christ today,
That I go singing along my way;
Yes, I’m so happy to know and say,
“Jesus included me, too.”

Jesus included me, yes, He included me,
When the Lord said, “Whosoever,” He included me;
Jesus included me, yes, He included me,
When the Lord said, “Whosoever,” He included me.

Gladly I read, “Whosoever may
Come to the fountain of life today”;
But when I read it I always say,
“Jesus included me, too.”


Ever God’s Spirit is saying, “Come!”
Hear the Bride saying, “No longer roam”;
But I am sure while they’re calling home,
Jesus included me, too.


“Freely come drink,” words the soul to thrill!
Oh, with what joy they my heart do fill!
For when He said, “Whosoever will,”
Jesus included me, too.

Yes, Jesus included me when I felt an outcast and outsider. He included me when I faltered and failed. He included me though I didn’t deserve his grace and goodness. Jesus included me! And praise God, you are included in his “whosoever”—He included you, too. 

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