Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Kitchen Grace

March 7, 2023

Occasionally when I read the Bible, my mind is slow, my spirit dull. I believe God is trying to get through to me, but sometimes he has a hard go of it. This morning I read Hebrews 7-10. It’s pretty technical stuff with a lot of good information explaining why Jesus Christ is superior to the old priestly system of ancient Judaism. As much as it challenged my mind, my heart was unmoved. When that happens, it’s often a sign that I need to take a bit different tack.

So as the sun began peeking over the horizon setting the tops of the trees ablaze with light shining on the snow that last night covered the branches, I began to give thanks. Immediately, something inside me sprang to life! I had ceased looking for an experience and had turned my attention to simply look in wonder at the beauty displayed before me; a gift of grace from a loving Heavenly Father.

I checked my Gratitude Calendar to find the suggestion to find three things in the kitchen for which to give thanks. That’s an easy one.

First is Linda. She’s not a thing, but she loves her kitchen! She putters in it like an old man putters in his shop, with one big exception: the results of her puttering are tasty and nutritious, and I get to be the recipient of her skills. If she isn’t concocting something for the palate, she is sitting at the old oak pedestal table studying her Bible, preparing for her women’s Bible study, or writing letters to grandkids, one of our kids, or friends.

Food is the second thing for which I am thankful is the food. Our cupboards are stocked, the refrigerator also. Too many people open their refrigerators to nearly empty shelves; we have the opposite problem: sometimes it won’t all fit in. Not having to wonder where the next meal comes from is a blessing many don’t have, and one we don’t ever want to take for granted.

The third gift of gratitude today is our kitchen table. Some of the best times of the day are those we spend, coffee mugs in hand, just talking. And laughing. And talking some more. Years ago, Nate and Matthew regaled us with stories of their adventures in school which kept us laughing sometimes for hours. Jessie was quieter, but we learned of friends, academics, swimming and track (yes, you heard me correctly!), and musicals. Those were such special times, when Jess graduated and went to college, I told Linda we should have had more kids; we had such a good time raising them. 

Now, it’s just the two of us, back the way we started except older, wiser, and more deeply in love. When we were first married, we thought we knew what love was; we had no idea. But we know now, and it is good. No. It’s more than good; it’s wonderful! Tonight we sat at our table again, talking, laughing, and loving, thanking our God for the grace at our age to still be here, to be mobile, and have most of our wits about us. As for the wits we’ve lost, we really don’t miss them!


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