Thursday, February 23, 2023


  February 23, 2023

It looks like my budding career as a fashionista is having trouble getting out of the gate. If you’ve been following all things Bailey, you know about the “dress” I bought Linda’s for her birthday. In my defense, I bought it before Christmas, and when the package arrived along with another, I mistakenly assumed it was for her. I must admit, I was a bit puzzled over not having received the sweater I had ordered for myself. In retrospect, I am very relieved that I didn’t accuse the mailman of theft.

Here’s the backstory from Linda’s point of view: 

“This is the shirt Jim bought me for my bday. He wrapped it without opening the package it came in. I noticed right away it is a size large but I tht I could exchange it😊. When I held it up Jim immediately said.that is  the shirt I ordered for me! What???

So not only did he wrap his shirt for me, but he can't remember if he actually ordered me a shirt! Growing old is certainly a challenge for some of us.”

In response, I have offered my services as a fashion consultant, but instead of serious inquiries, all I’ve received is muted chuckles and outright guffaws. If laughter were my intentioned gift, Linda got my money’s worth.

It has been a good day. The best part, and the birthday gift Linda wanted most, she received. Last week, our son Nathan was a bit upset that Roswell Cancer hospital had postponed his scheduled MRI. He tried to convince them to keep the original schedule, to no avail. God knew what he had planned, and when Nate was forced off the road into a ditch yesterday, they took him to Buffalo to make sure there was no damage to his brain. The local doctors saw what they thought was a brain bleed, but didn’t have any baseline to ascertain whether it was from the accident or shadows of what he had last year.

The long and short of it is, he got his MRI, ahead of schedule, AND…wait for it…TWO of the tumors have completely disappeared! Nate claims that the space where they were is now occupied by genius brain cells.

So, despite my fashion faux pas, Linda’s birthday was the best ever. Dinner together and our grandson’s basketball game were merely icing on the cake. So, thank you everyone who prayed. And thank you, Jesus, for hearing those prayers and giving us grace upon grace.

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