June 19, 2021
In spite of a few occasional stings, it’s good to have bees again! They are such amazing displays of God’s imaginative creativity that continually fascinate me, drawing me into their world and in so doing, revealing more of God’s to me. The summertime worker bees literally work themselves to death in the course of a month or two, gathering nectar and pollen for the winter survival of the colony. Each trip to a flower only garners an almost microscopic amount off nectar, so hundreds of flights and tens of thousands of bees are necessary to stock up on their winter stores from which we rob a portion for ourselves.
Honey is so sweet, such concentrated sugars, that bacteria cannot grow in it. It’s actually anti-infectious. It won’t spoil. I have honeycomb I harvested some 25 years ago that is still good. Maybe this is why Psalm 19:10 says that God’s Word is sweeter than honeycomb. This is hart to imagine—nothing on earth is sweeter than honey, so among other things, this is a claim to the divine origin of God’s Word. It means that not only is God’s Word pleasant; it is also medicinal—good for what ails the soul, which is why the devil works so hard to keep us from it. It not only has the power to stop him in his tracks, but can heal the damage he’s already done. Satan will use any tactic and tool at his disposal to keep us from this heavenly food. So why are we so slow to read it? Why do we allow so many things to interrupt and interfere with our times of devotional reading and in depth study? Such a casual attention to the Scriptures is surely a sin to be repented of. Allow Scriptural sweetness to sit on your tongue. Enjoy the delicacy, the nuances of each blossom. O taste and see that the LORD is good!
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