Saturday, February 20, 2021

February 20, 2021

Breakfast with the grandkids is always interesting, but today more than usual. Somehow the discussion drifted to pronouns and the bewildering variety of them being foisted upon us by the uber-woke cultural assassins who aim to cancel anyone who disagrees with their pronouncements of what is or is not offensive. Our grandkids are being confronted with this gender indoctrination on a regular basis, and know something is amiss, but don’t always know why. So we talked.

Our post-Christian culture is obsessed with feelings and terrified of empirical and verifiable facts. One’s DNA is a fact. A boy can inject estrogen into his body, grow breasts, and have surgery, but his DNA still says “male,” and a hundred years after he dies, his skeletal structure will still have forensic archaeologists telling their colleagues that this was a male. When a man says, “I’ve always felt like a woman,” I want to ask, “How do you know? You’ve never been one!” 

The denial of reality is increasingly common in our world. Clever people manipulate data to convince the gullible that they aren’t seeing what is right before their eyes. We see it everywhere, but it is particularly pernicious when it comes to what we know about humanity. Scoffers ridicule Christianity and faith as “believing what you know isn’t true,” but Christian faith is reality-based, and nowhere more than in our belief in the significance of the human body. We are not spirits who happen to inhabit bodies. The creation story tells us that God molded together the dust of the ground, breathed into it , and the man became a living soul. In other words, body plus spirit equals soul, ie, the entirety of what it means to be human. The significance of the body is emphasized in the ancient Hebrew texts as well as in the Christian Gospels where the resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our resurrection. The body is so important that without it, we have no identity. 

To declare that the reality of the physical body is of less importance than a person’s feelings is a rejection of objective truth, which is the reason behind such thinking. If there is objective truth, then we have to deal with what is instead of what we in our rebellious and self-centered thinking want things to be. If I can convince people that because I feel feminine I am therefore a woman, there is no end to how reality can be twisted to serve my purposes. The Bible tells us that Satan has blinded the minds of those who say such things. My grandkids see it because they are listening to a different Voice. The world they are inheriting, by their own words, “is a mess,” for which they can thank my generation. The best I can do is help give them the tools to think and reason, and the faith and courage to hold fast to the truth. I am thankful today for this morning’s conversation, it’s glimpse into their lives and thinking, and for the opportunities Linda and I are continually given to pour into their lives by example, instruction, and prayers.


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