Saturday, December 1, 2018

Bailey Advent

December 1, 2018

This year, the Bailey family Christmas gathering falls on the first day of Advent. It’s a tradition we’ve been keeping for years—Linda and I, our three kids with their spouses and children, meet my brother and sister-in-law with three of their sons, wives, and children meeting at Walmart, pooling our money and providing a Christmas for a couple needy families we know. One of our cousins joins us for a rollicking good time. Usually my sister and her kids and grandkids come, too, but this year they were home for Thanksgiving, and living in Iowa and Tennessee, they weren’t able to join us this year.

Time was, when mom and dad would come, and mom’s sister, too. Dad and Aunt Marion are both gone, and mom is too frail to do the shopping, so she waits at home for the crew to arrive, arms laden with gifts to be wrapped, preceded by a shockwave of chatter and shrieks of happiness. It’s lunchtime, and soon the snacks adorn mom’s table while on the stove a variety of soups are simmering. 

Lunch is followed by wrapping all the gifts, conversation and stories with lots of laughter, while the littlest grandkids are running through the house, cavorting through the chaos. 

Advent is the beginning of the Christian year, a time when we look back to God’s preparation for Christ’s first coming in anticipation of his Second Coming. The first was in humility, the second in glory. The first in poverty, the second in power. St. Paul says that it was in the fullness of time that Christ came; ie. when the time was right. At the right time, Christ will come again. St. John says the world wasn’t ready for that first Advent—“he came to his own, but his own did not receive him.” (John 1:11). St. Paul says it will be much the same at his Second coming (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3), but writes so we can be prepared for it. 

This Advent begins for me with joyful celebration, but with empty seats at the table; my father, grandparents long gone, my aunt, and many others who once gathered together in love, faith, and service. I look back with fond memories to all those times we gathered together, but also look forward with anticipation to that Day when we once more will sit around the table—God’s table...and there will be no empty places.

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