Saturday, July 14, 2018

100 Years!

July 14, 2018

A lot can happen in a hundred years. On July 14, 1918, our country was enmeshed in a “war to end all wars.” Of course, if people had taken seriously Jesus’ words that “there will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet,” they wouldn’t have been surprised when things didn’t turn out quite that way. One thing that did turn out, was the new Methodist church building that was dedicated that day, one hundred years ago today.

Back then, the building of massive churches with expensive stained glass windows was funded by the factory owners who more or less expected that their employees would attend services at their respective places of worship.Those buildings served their communities well, but communities change, and often churches find it hard to adjust. But Christians are a peculiar lot; we’re hard to kill. One hundred years later, there aren’t as many of us as there were a hundred years ago, but today we showed that we are still alive and kicking. 

Four other congregations helped us celebrate this milestone with a community party in the park across the street from this old building. Free food, live music in Spanish and English, activities and games for the kids, a prayer tent, and door prizes made for a great day. Tomorrow we’ll rejoice together and praise God for 100 years, but even more for the opportunity we had to bless our community today. We were able to do it with brothers and sisters from other churches, demonstrating that we are one in Christ, and receiving with open arms and hearts the blessing promised in Psalm 133:1 & 3—

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!
For there the LORD commanded the blessing--
Life forevermore.” 

We experienced life today. It was good, and I thank God for it.

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