Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sunshine and Shadow

September 23, 2016 What if God's blessing were revealed not in the good things that come into our lives, but in the trials? I can't say as I'm going through any trial right now, but I have been there, and can say that just because everything seems to be going smoothly doesn't mean all is well. Lately, my Bible reading and prayers have felt flat-lined. As in nothing is happening. When I read, it feels like, "Yadda, yadda, yadda;" not something a preacher likes to admit. My prayers have been dull and listless, but things in my life right now are pretty copacetic. Last summer when granddaughter Alex got sick while in Africa, my prayers seethed with fire! I was assaulting heaven continually, fighting as St. Paul said, "the good fight of faith." I scoured the Scriptures for a word from the Lord indicating that all would be well, and stood toe to toe with my doubts and fears till they finally cowered in submission. It wasn't the good times that drove me to my knees and opened the door to God's provision. The blessing came through the trial. So tonight as I lay down to sleep in peace, I remember the trials and ask for the grace of remembrance that will humble me to seek Christ as diligently in the sunshine as in the shadow. And I will praise him as well when I walk by his side on land as I will when he bids me step out of the boat to walk on water in the midst of the storm.

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