Monday, October 24, 2022

The Right Thing

 October 24, 2022

“Sometimes you just have to do the right thing.” Any of my kids or grandkids know where that quote comes from. It’s one of Meema’s standards. Following this rule of thumb does simplify things. Don’t feel like going to church or Bible study? Just do the right thing. Someone snubbed you and now you have the opportunity to snub them back? Just do the right thing. the girl at the checkout gave you back more change than she should have? Just do the right thing. You’re bone tired, but a friend needs to talk? Just do the right thing.

A few years ago, WWJD was popular; bracelets, posters, bumper stickers all proclaimed the message, “What Would Jesus Do?” I guess people have gotten tired of doing what Jesus would have done, or maybe life has gotten so confusing that people aren’t sure what he would have done, but this slogan seems to have passed into oblivion like Pee Wee Herman. 

For me, the slogan would be WWMD; “What Would Meema Do?” I’ve watched Linda handle every one of the above scenarios, and have never once seen her take the easy or convenient way out. Many’s the time this introvert would choose to stay home instead of going to a meeting or staying up late listening to someone pour their heart out. I would write off someone who constantly criticized or mistreated me, but not Linda. She attributes this to her mother, who absorbed all kinds of verbal and emotional abuse from people who should have known better. Ginner never wavered, and neither does Linda. 

I am not only blessed to have on more than one occasion been the recipient of her graciousness, but even more to have been moved by her example to be a better man than I would be without her. Today, I would much rather have stayed home and worked on a couple projects around here, but I gathered up my tools and helped someone else. I hope I wasn’t too grudging about it. After all, it is better to give than to receive, and God gave me the opportunity to be on the giving side. I chose it because Linda’s words kept echoing in my head: “Just do the right thing.”

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