Saturday, January 15, 2022

Things Above

 January 15, 2022

“Seek those things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1). St. Paul is very clear about his intention here; much clearer than most of us understand him to be. We think we know what it means to seek things above, but we often read into the text our own imagination of what those things that are above actually are.

In this sentence, the second phrase modifies and explains the first. The things above, the things we are to seek, have to do with the authority of Christ. We are to seek the authoritative rule of Christ that isn’t something that will happen someday in the future; it is even now present, even if we have a hard time seeing the evidence of it. We tend to seek the things of this world—prosperity, promotion, position, pleasure, but if our vision is limited to these things; if this is all we seek, we become blinded to the greater vision and realities to be found in God.

Not only are we to look for the rule of Christ, keeping our eyes peeled for how he is active in our present reality; we are to set our minds upon it. In other words, we think about Christ’s authority continually. Setting our minds on his present rule will keep us looking for (“seeking”) ways it manifests itself. 

Jesus often spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven as being hidden, obscure to most people. He told parables of how it is like a treasure hidden in a field, or a valuable pearl that had to be sought out. I think God wants to know if we really want it enough to search it out. 

If we only look at our circumstances, or what we see at large in our country and world, we will inevitably become discouraged and perhaps cynical. By seeking things above and staying focused on Christ’s authority, we can remain optimistic, resist temptation, and find a purpose that transcends this earthly life.

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