Monday, August 9, 2021

Sharper Together

August 9, 2021

Ever since Promise Keepers hit the stage back in the 90s, Proverbs 27:17 has been a touchstone Scripture for men, probably because it rings true. In a world where masculinity has been deemed toxic, and “manly” pursuits pilloried in academia, men have often found themselves isolated, lonely, and unappreciated. Women can have their segregated groups just for them, but traditionally male gatherings have all but disappeared, and with them has also disappeared the opportunity to both exult in masculinity and commiserate with one another over the challenges we face in everyday life. 

The Scripture in Proverbs is, “As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Tonight, our men’s Bible study gathered at Harry’s for a cookout, conversation, and prayer. Harry pressed us on how we expected to exercise our spiritual gifts in practical ways. We talked of how God has been challenging and convicting us, and prayed together. We aren’t super-spiritual; we are fourteen (sometimes more, sometimes less) men standing shoulder to shoulder so we can be stronger and better for Jesus Christ, and I am thankful tonight for each one of these men whom I can call friend and brother.


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