Monday, August 2, 2021


 August 3, 2021

There is power in repetition. Sometimes when trouble sweeps in like a sudden summer storm, it isn’t enough to simply declare our faith in the teeth of the wind’s fury. Sometimes, we need to repeat it over and over again so it builds momentum like an avalanche rolling downhill gathers size and power till it crushes whatever is in its path.

In Psalm 62, David clings to the Rock of his salvation, declaring in v. 2, “I shall not be greatly moved.” We can almost feel the hesitancy in his words, the sense that he’s not quite sure of his strength in the face of trouble. “I think I can hold up, but if not, I don’t believe I’ll be completely defeated.” He is waiting on God, but he’s only just started, tentatively feeling his way through the morass.

So he keeps going, repeating his declaration with a slight change. He began with, “Truly my soul silently waits for God. From him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense I shall not be greatly moved.” He revisits this theme, but instead of a declaration, he utters a command: “My soul, wait silently for God alone! For my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense, I shall not be moved.” When he takes charge over his faltering faith, commanding his soul to wait, he no longer speaks of being somewhat moved; he shall not be moved!

It’s not enough to hopefully declare our faith like a child whistling his way past the cemetery. As we repeat our faith in Jesus Christ, declaring over and over that he is our confidence, that confidence begins to build in us till it carries us through the storm. This is why memorizing Scripture and repeating the Creeds are so important—by sheer repetition, they fortify the soul, strengthening it for the day of trial. I don’t remember Scripture as easily as once I did, so I am grateful for those Sunday School and youth group leaders who drilled verses into us at a young age. And I am thankful for the Creed that gives a summary of truths I don’t always feel, but which always provide a foundation that holds in the storm.

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