Thursday, August 19, 2021

Choose Joy

August 19, 2021

Often when I read my Bible, my mind just isn’t taking it in. I will read whatever text I’ve chosen for the day; perhaps a number of texts, but my brain just isn’t in gear. It is frustrating; my son says that with his method of reading the Bible, God never fails to speak to him. His brain is much more agile than mine, apparently. My obtuseness doesn’t discourage me. Sometimes I’m not particularly hungry, but I sit at the table and eat what Linda places before me, knowing that I’m receiving nourishment whether I feel hungry or not. I even occasionally eat my own cooking, which isn’t usually very pleasant, but even if it doesn’t taste quite right, it nourishes my body. So whether I have an aha moment, or read uncomprehendingly, I keep at it, because it is God’s Word, and he promised it would accomplish his purposes.

At times like this however, it can be helpful for me to try something different to connect with the Lord. My daily gratitude calendar is one of the tools I’ve found helpful. Today’s suggestions were to give thanks for three things found in church. Easy-peasy! I am thankful for the Apostles’ Creed that reminds me of the foundations of my faith. It begins, “I believe,” not “I feel.” Affirming my faith instead of my feelings never fails to plant my feet on solid ground for life.

I am thankful for the men in our men’s Bible study group. They encourage me to be a better man, husband, father, and grandfather. Their faithfulness is not flashy or spectacular, but is solid and filled with integrity. 

I am thankful for Leslie’s fingers. Leslie and I tag team playing bass for our worship team. Years ago, she and her sister were in our youth group, so I watched her grow up. She is one of those people who for reasons known only to God, hold a special place in my heart. And she is a very good bassist. I have to work at paying attention to the lyrics when she is playing because she seems to do it so effortlessly as I watch her fingers flying up and down the fretboard in a walking bass line. 

None of these is particularly earth-shattering, but when the world around us is going crazy and swaths of people are suffering, it can make me feel almost guilty for the blessings I enjoy. Then I read texts like Psalm 73:17, where going into the house of the Lord gave the writer the perspective he needed to face a corrupt and violent world. I remember Scriptures commanding me to give thanks in all situations (1 Thessalonians 5:1), and understand that allowing the evil in this world or my own slowness to understand Scripture to rob me of my joy is to do a disservice to Jesus Christ. So tonight, I choose joy and gratitude, for I am deeply blessed.


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