Thursday, February 6, 2020

Floor Fasting

February 6, 2020

Tonight’s gratitude journal is straightforward and simple. Linda had a procedure today that required fasting for 12 hours prior. Fasting and Linda shouldn’t be mentioned in the same sentence. When she gets up in the morning, her feet have hardly touched the floor when she’s ready for breakfast. It doesn’t have to be a lot—an English muffin with peanut butter, coffee, and juice is all she needs, but she does need it. And if she doesn’t drink plenty of water through the day, she gets leg cramps that have literally put her right to the floor. 

So let’s see—12 hours without food or water. In the middle of the night she gets up to use the bathroom. A minute or two later I hear a thump in the night. I call up the stairs. No answer. Knock on the bathroom door. No answer. Open the door to see her lying face down on the floor, out cold. It took a couple minutes to revive her and another twenty to get her where she was able to stand and back into bed.

The procedure went well; no issues, and by the time it was over, they had gotten enough fluids into her that she was navigating pretty well. No nausea, which for her is a small miracle. She doesn’t do anesthesia well, but had no problems today. So tonight I am thankful to have her tired, but well except for looking like she was on the losing side of a boxing match from her visit with the linoleum. We are at the age that we think about what the future holds for us. We don’t particularly care about what is in store as long as we can face it together.

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