Friday, May 31, 2019

All that Ends Well

May 31, 2019

For the most part, it was a pretty crappy day. My original plans were to visit my mother whom I haven’t seen since the first of the month, but plans are apparently often meant to be dashed. I’m not a complete dolt when it comes to technology, but I’m pretty close. Just scratch the “complete” part. Earlier in the week, I thought preparations for Sunday were pretty much wrapped up until I discovered that getting photo files from my iPhone to an aging PC laptop was nearly impossible. My long overdue mom visit had to wait, which always makes me nervous; her greatest disappointment every day is waking up to find out she’s still alive. 

Linda knows me; she left me alone, for which I am thankful. Here’s the kicker: while in Cuba, among other topics, I was teaching about anger. One of the sources of anger is frustration, and I was feeling lots of it today, but having that teaching fresh in my mind helped me process it so it didn’t rattle or control me. It took most of the day, but I finally won. I am master of the computer; just don’t ask me to do it again. I’m not sure what I did.

It wasn’t my ultimate success that made the day however. It was watching granddaughter Eliza’s last softball game of the season. She made some great defensive plays and drove in the winning run in a come-from-behind nail biter, earning the game ball in the process. They started out slowly, but clawed their way back, turning what originally looked like a blowout loss into a squeaker victory. I am thankful tonight for the teaching in Cuba that came back to haunt me in a good way when anger was knocking on my door, and for Eliza, whose performance this afternoon was like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm.

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