Saturday, September 14, 2024


September 14, 2024

 I’ve been thinking about various Scriptures that have been particularly influential in my life over the years, and thought I would share them with you. Some are from years ago; others from quite recently. I’ll begin with one of the latter.

“Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel.”  —Ezra 7:10

Many religions have elaborate rituals that prepare the worshipper to enter the temple of their god. Cleansing ceremonies, special garments, fasting and prayers are but some of the things one must do to be ready for an encounter with their god.

Most of the old mainline Christian traditions have similar rituals, the understanding being that as sinners (even redeemed sinners), we can’t just waltz carelessly into the presence of a holy God. While some of these rituals may be a bit overdone, the Bible has many references to our preparation for worship. One example: Moses was told to take off his sandals at the burning bush because it was holy ground. If the dirt can be holy, how much more the God who made it?

I’m not advocating for special rituals, religious vestments, or such, but this word from Ezra is important. It’s not just our bodies that must be prepared; it’s our hearts. So what are you doing to prepare your heart daily to seek God?

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