Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The King’s Domain

June 21, 2023

Tonight I am grateful that God doesn’t stop teaching us new things just because we’re old. Last night at our granddaughter’s Baccalaureate, her father gave the Baccalaureate speech to the kids. Actually, he just talked to them, told them funny stories about giving blood and how he hates needles, and how many of them he has had in the last year. He was telling them that we worry about the future because of things that have happened in our past that we anticipate will reoccur, and that the antidote to worry is seeking God. He told of how his brain tumors have changed his thinking about life, that he made the decision a year ago today that whatever the scans said, good or bad, he would trust God. 

He had them download the Bible App on their phones and showed them how to use it. He hadn’t anticipated it, but when he opened the reading for the day, it was the text he was using that night. “God knew,” he said. Indeed, he did. The Scripture was Matthew 6:33.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”

Nate then clarified a concept that has long puzzled me: “the kingdom of God.” I’ve listened to preachers and professors talk about how important it is, how it is present and also “not yet,” but I’ve never heard anyone tell me unequivocally what it is. Until last night. Nate did for the kids what I used to do with our kids at our dinner table; he simply pointed out the history of the word. “Kingdom” comes from “the king’s domain,” ie. where whatever the king says, goes. THAT makes sense to me! The kingdom of God about which Jesus spoke so frequently and that was so central to his thinking is nothing more or less than wherever the King has dominion, wherever the King’s wishes are carried out. It’s so much simpler than those professors made it out to be! 

Seeking, actively pursuing whatever the King of kings and Lord of lords desires is God’s plan for our blessing. The King’s domain—that’s the goal. Keeping it the goal brings the blessing, so keep pursuing it. Even better, seek the King himself. Find him, and it’ll be a no-brainer to seek his rule in your heart and life. 

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