Monday, September 12, 2022


 September 12, 2022

A couple days ago, I wrote about our culture’s casual approach to even the most significant aspects of life. I noted that if we wouldn’t dream of seeking audience with Queen Elizabeth dressed in dirty, ragged clothes, why would we come to church that way to meet the Almighty God? Comments received indicate I may have overstated my case. Admittedly, I do at times miss the formality of dressing up for church. I know it’s a cultural thing; when I was a kid, men attended baseball games in suits and ties, usually topped off with a fedora and a stogie.

People don’t dress up much these days, and I do believe it contributes to some of the problems we face. We do tend to “act the part,” and we all have seen the difference in dress as well as demeanor when someone is able to step out of a drug-addled life to freedom from addiction.

When worship is concerned, what is most important is not the external dress, but that of the heart. We are told in Scripture to “put off the old man,” and to be “clothed with Christ and his righteousness.” Most of us have had experience with people who were dressed to the nines, but treated others with contempt. “Basket of Deplorables” comes to mind, but there are plenty of examples of people who look impressive on the outside, but are despicable inside.

If I had to choose between a church filled with men in suits and ties and women in nice dresses, or pews filled with shabbily dressed people who have few social graces but plenty of spiritual grace, I’ll choose the latter every time. They may not look as nice or even smell as good, but filled with the Holy Spirit, at least they won’t stab you in the back.

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