Thursday, June 9, 2022


 June 9, 2022

“Unite my heart to fear your name. I will praise you, O LORD my God, with all my heart.”          —Psalm 86:11-12

One of the problems of modern life is how easily our lives get fragmented, divided up into various categories, tasks, loyalties that are often in conflict with each other. We have so many things going on that we are unable to really focus on what is most needful at any given time. Often, we don’t even know what that most necessary matter is. Until catastrophe strikes.

We Christians give lip service to God, but he is but one item in our busy lives, available when we need him, but usually sitting on the shelf somewhere out of sight. Until catastrophe strikes.

Ukrainian citizens were in the same kind of circumstances at the beginning of the year. They went about their lives much as we do, attending school, going to work, playing sports, going to church. Then Russia invaded, and everything changed. They became single-minded in defense of their country. All other priorities suddenly faded into the background as this single catastrophe burst upon them and stared them in the face. Their hearts were instantly united in a cause.

“Lord of heaven and earth, come closer till you fill my entire field of vision, crowding out all else that has occupied my attention. Unite my divided heart, stripping away all other loyalties till you alone remain. False familiarity has made me proud, and whenever my heart is lifted up, it is to my own destruction.

“You had David write these words: “I will praise your name with all my heart.” While I am waiting for you to unite my heart, you are calling on me to make a decision, a choice to praise your name in the meantime. Praise isn’t necessarily the result of a united heart; it is the source of it, so I choose to praise you with this often divided heart, that it may by your grace be united, wholeheartedly worshipping and serving you.”

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