Friday, May 29, 2020


May 29, 2020

“If I had but one sermon to preach.” My seminary preaching professor began class one day with these words. “I was once asked to deliver a lecture on that topic,” he said. “I gave it my best shot, but gave up. There’s no way to cover it all in one sermon. I changed the lecture to “If I had a thousand sermons to preach.””

He continued, “A sermon is like a meal. You can’t get all you need to live in one meal. We keep coming back to the table. The problem with many sermons is they try to cover too much territory in one setting.” His was the only preaching class I ever had. I’m not the best preacher in the world, but I’m better than I would have been had I not paid attention in his class.

I’m facing his dilemma today. In a little over a week, I’ll be preaching for the first time in months. I have two Sundays lined up, and so much has happened since we were last together that I’m in a quandary over what needs to be said. We have so many different and often conflicting thoughts and feelings about these past three months, and so much uncertainty about the future. The Gospel has so much to say about tragedy, injustice, and uncertainty that I don’t know where to begin. Sometimes Scripture jumps out at me, begging to be preached, but at other times, it feels like my soul is dried up and barren. It’s hard to offer living Water when the well is dry. 

So I pray. And I ask others to pray for me. Jesus Christ’s people are hungry, and I don’t want to give them junk food when their souls are crying out for nourishment. God is faithful, and answers desperate prayers. I’m desperate, hungry myself, and waiting on the Holy Spirit to fill me to overflowing. I may have but five loaves and two small fish, but in Jesus’ hands, it will be enough.

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