Saturday, December 14, 2019



Gratitude doesn’t always need a deep or convoluted reason. It’s late after a “guy’s night out,” Park church’s annual men’s Christmas shopping excursion, so I’m more ready for sleep than script. It was my first experience with the event; in the past it has conflicted with family Christmas in Rochester, but the date changed this year, so the newbie became the latest victim of a practical joke tradition at the restaurant. Apparently, for the past seventy years I had somehow missed my December birthday which tonight entitled me to a ride on the Roadhouse saddle while being cheered on by everyone in the restaurant. It was fun, but I couldn’t understand how everyone could celebrate my birthday and still make me pay for my dinner. 

I learned something tonight: the shopping part is just an excuse for the guys to go out for steak (like we need an excuse). The weather at the start of the expedition was such that I wondered if we would actually go, but when steak is at stake, who cares about the weather? I am grateful for this bunch of guys (nearly thirty of us) who work together, eat together, and tomorrow will worship together. 

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