Wednesday, January 2, 2019

An Ordinary Day

January 2, 2019

Running through the day in my mind, nothing stands out as worthy of comment in my nightly thanksgiving notes. Perhaps this ordinary day in itself is something for which to give thanks. I got up, fixed breakfast, went to work, got a start on Sunday’s sermon, restrung my guitar, found an old song I had written years ago, then came home, stopping on the way at Home Depot for a few items, and the credit union to do our monthly banking.

Once home, the absence of a major project in the works left me feeling restless, so I wrote some thank you notes, loaded the woodbin, had dinner, attended a village board meeting, and came home to a couple games of dominoes with Linda and our granddaughter Alex. There was absolutely nothing earth-shattering about today. Except...

I woke up. Not everyone had that privilege. I am ambulatory, have reasonable use of my faculties, own a home that is warm and comfortable, the equipment I need to care for it, a loving wife to share it with me. My family is safe, living godly and honorable lives. My grandchildren are within walking distance except for those in college, and even one of them is home for the semester. Whatever aches and pains I have are minimal, and I have work that is both challenging and enjoyable. The sins of my past are forgiven, I have hope for tomorrow, and salvation joy today. 

My list could go on and on. My point is, there are countless individuals who would trade dozens of their best days for this single ordinary one. I don’t know famine or fear, am not suffering physically, spiritually, politically, economically. I am not at odds with my memories, my family members, or anyone with whom I must live. By any measure, I am blessed beyond measure on this ordinary day for which I give thanks tonight.

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