Tuesday, January 8, 2019

3 G’s

January 8, 2019

A friend and I recently had a running conversation about a ministry in which we had both been involved. I couldn’t quite put my finger on the misgivings I was feeling, and I’m pretty hesitant to judge anyone else’s ministry, but I couldn’t shake off the discomfort I’ve been feeling. My friend filled me in with some background information to which I had not been privy, helping me to clarify my thinking . 

The Scripture reading that day was about Enoch, who Genesis says, “Walked with God, and was not, for God took him.” He simply walked from this earth into the arms of God. The only other thing we know about him is that he prophesied judgment against false teachers who were wreaking havoc on an early congregation by encouraging sexual licentiousness, preaching for profit, and flaunting a superiority and authority they don’t actually possess. My friend characterized the threefold snare of ministry as “Gold, Girls, and Glory,” which pretty well sums it up. False teachers like this are very much alive and well today, and as important as it is to be as cooperative as we can, there are “ministries” that are cancerous, to be avoided at all cost. 

I’m not aware of whether those involved in this particular ministry are succumbing to any of the three “G’s.” I hope not; they seem to be doing good work, and just because it isn’t the way I would do it doesn’t make it wrong. Different is often just different, not better or worse. 

Nonetheless, I am grateful tonight for good friends whose wisdom and experience helps me sort out my own thinking. Unlike some of my more PC friends, they don’t presume to tell me what to think; their perspective gives me information I need to see my own way clearly. Time will tell whether or not this ministry is sound; in the meantime, it’s not my place to pass judgment other than to decide how I will interact with them and to live with as much integrity as I can muster.

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