Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Unexpected Paths

March 14, 2018

The weatherman said we would get snow. This time, he really meant it. I’ve thought for years that the main requirement for being a weather forecaster is to fail a lie detector test, but this time, he was right on the money. It started in the night, and by dawn, we already had about six inches. And it just kept coming. I called the church to let them know I’d be a tad late. They were incredulous; the roads were still bare at noon. Plowing our driveway and our son’s (with a couple small jobs in between) took all morning; I never did get to work. 

It was a good day. I love the plowing, and had plenty of time to do it. It will need to be done again in the morning, but I am blessed with the equipment to handle it. The Carhartt overalls and jacket that Linda gave me for Christmas keep me toasty warm. Writing my sermon by the fire in the back room was an added bonus. 

The day didn’t go quite as planned, but it worked out. God has a way of doing that. We make plans, expect things to go in a certain way, until they don’t. My unexpectedly spending the day home instead of at work was a small matter, but life’s twists and turns are often catastrophic. We go through life, making plans that implode; a marriage ends, health breaks down, we get the pink slip. We are surprised, but God never is. And he always has a way through. When I can’t see my way; when I don’t understand the path I’ve been given, when I can’t feel God’s hand, I can trust his heart, and for that I amm thankful.

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