Sunday, March 25, 2018


March 25, 2018

Three years ago, my friend Rick lost his ability to speak as a result of a stroke. Whatever connection the brain has to the tongue apparently has been severed, leaving him able to understand, but unable to communicate anything he is thinking. My visits with him end up being short. He is cooped up in his apartment, so one day is not much different from another. There wouldn’t be much to talk about even if he were able to speak. I try my best to keep him abreast of what’s happening in my world, but I’m not sure that’s much of a comfort or interest to him.

I’m thinking of Rick today because I was able to preach this morning. My voice was a bit froggy, but fortunately I didn’t have a coughing fit. I was able to present the Word of God as ably as I can, without interruption. I cannot imagine having things to say and not being able to find words to give expression to my thoughts and feelings. Language and the ability to communicate are amazing gifts we so often take for granted. St. John says that in the beginning was the Word; expression and communication is at the very heart of God himself. I believe it is one of the basic building blocks of what it means to be human. Without it, we become locked in a world of solitary silence, shrunken to the limitations of our inner thoughts. Today I am grateful for the ability to speak, to preach, to communicate the great love and power of God to people I love.

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