Thursday, January 4, 2018

Now is the Time

January 4, 2018

One of the promises of Jesus Christ that brings great comfort to many of his people is the promise that he will come again and take us to a place he has prepared for us (John14:2-3). Especially for those enduring persecution or illness, this promise offers a hope that provides comfort and strength to stay the course. What Jesus actually says is, “that where I am, there you may be also.” 

This got me to thinking. Our hope is to be with him. At least, that’s what we say. But how can we claim this hope when we spend so little time with him here and now? How can we long for heaven when we neglect that foretaste of heaven that Christ offers to us right now? I’m not suggesting that every waking moment must be filled with religious thoughts. That would be impossible even for the saintliest of monastics. But how much time do I waste on television, the internet, or activities that contribute nothing to the betterment of my heart and soul? How much time do I spend complaining and criticizing? How much time do I invest in helping others, in building people up, in making this world a better place? I haven’t even begun to ask how often I seek God in prayer, in worship, in study of the Scriptures, in training myself and others in Christian discipleship. 

If my track record in these matters is less than stellar, if I spend so little time with Christ here and now, can I really say I am looking forward to being with Christ in eternity? His word challenges me. I am not where I should be; thankfully, Jesus doesn’t wait till eternity to invite us to be with him. The invitation is continual. “Both the Spirit and the bride say, “Come! ” Let anyone who hears, say, “Come! ” Let the one who is thirsty come. Let the one who desires take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). Thank you, Lord, that the invitation from your Holy Spirit, through your Church, is open to anyone who is thirsty for more than this life can offer.

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