Thursday, May 18, 2017

Technological Vaccilationi

May 18, 2017

Some things you love and hate at the same time. Like technology. I realize that there are people who unconditionally love technology. Gigabytes and Terrabytes, hardware and software are music to some people's ears, which is a good thing. When something goes haywire on our computers, we call our son in law Todd, our resident programmer and all-around computer guru. He has bailed us out of so many computer glitches that if they were water, the Titanic would still be afloat.

In our house however, we have a love/hate relationship with technology. It is great for research, shopping, re-connecting with friends we haven't seen in years, and of course, wasting time. When it works, it's wonderful. When it doesn't, it's maddening. Yesterday, Linda went toe to toe with the cable company. The bill keeps rising in reverse correlation to the quality of programming, so she managed to wrangle a slightly better deal than we were getting at the time. That was the good news. The bad news was that the better rate will only last a year, and we had to get new equipment to make it happen. That meant reprogramming everything so our computer, iPad, phones, TV, and modems would be on speaking terms with one another.

It didn't start out that way. I don't know what snide remark the new modem made to the router, or how the TV felt snubbed by the black box, but for awhile, it was vicious and bloody technological warfare right in the middle of our living room. We had to call in a mediator in the form of our son Matt, who at least got all the devices to call a truce. Apparently the modem is sulking in the corner, refusing to get up to speed, but the company tech guys are calling tomorrow to give him the "what-for."

Having come off two weeks of technological fasting in Cuba, trying to get everything to work together was a bit exasperating. But at least we have the technology. Many of the people we were with just a week ago have never even seen a computer. Maybe that's not so bad; their lives are simpler, and for a week, we partook of that simpler life. Today we are back online, problems mostly solved, and I am grateful that even with the frustration, we are blessed to have these tools literally at our fingertips. Without them, we would not be able to bless one another across the miles. With them, we can, and do; for which I am thankful tonight.

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