Sunday, October 6, 2024

Most Important!

October 6, 2024

Last August I dreamed I was preaching to a full house at Park church. I knew it was Park, but it the sanctuary was bigger in my dream. The chairs in the auditorium were gone, and everyone was standing. My message was simple: “You need to know Jesus! More than anything else, you need to know Jesus!” Suddenly, most of the people had disappeared and there were only a few standing at the back of the sanctuary, getting ready to leave.

I quit preaching and made my way outside where everyone was watching as pastor Brandon was baptizing people. Then I woke up. I’ve only had a couple times in my life when I knew God was speaking to me in a dream, and this is one of those times. Joel 2:28 tells us that when God pours out his Holy Spirit, old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions. I’m an old man, so this fits.

The Scripture we’ve been considering is from Philippians. Remember what Paul said? 

“I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord,” and “that I may know Him…”

Later as I was reading my Bible, I came to Ezekiel 33 where God tells Ezekiel that he has set him as a watchman on the wall. If the enemy comes and he warns the people who then refuse to listen, they will die, but he will be innocent. 

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.”

—Ezekiel 33:6 

I’ve read this chapter many times, but this time it literally scared me. There is nothing more important than that you know Jesus. NOTHING! Paul knew this. I know this. And there is nothing more important to me than that you know him. I can’t make your decisions for you, but if I fail to tell you, God will hold me responsible. My dream, coupled with our text and what I read from Ezekiel this morning is God telling me to tell you. Nothing is more important than knowing Jesus. NOTHING! More than just words, can you say beyond a shadow of doubt that you know him?


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