Thursday, September 26, 2024

What’s in a Name?

 September 26, 2024

“God also has…given Him the name which is above every name…”

—Philippians 2:9 

Why is the name of Jesus above every other name?

When we are young, just starting out in life, we haven’t had time enough to accumulate much in the way of financial resources. With college loans, car loans, mortgages, etc., we usually go in the opposite direction adding debt upon debt. When it comes to paying bills, instead of writing checks like Linda and I do, our kids and grandkids use debit cards and apps. But the principle is the same.

If your credit limit on your card is $5,000 and you spend more than that, you’ll be in trouble. Your name on that card isn’t worth $5,000 to the credit card company. But if I gave you my card with my name on it, you could charge much more than $5,000. Why? Because I have the resources to cover the debt, and to the credit company, my name is worth more than yours.

When it comes to life, our names mean nothing. Spiritually speaking, we are in debt, which is why Jesus teaches us in his prayer, “forgive us our debts” (which is the original word in Matthew’s gospel). Our account is empty, but Jesus’ is full of his righteousness. Our name is nothing; His name is everything. Our spiritual account is empty; his is full, and he puts HIS name on our account.  THAT is why his name is above every other name. That is why this is Good News!

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